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Can You Use Gorilla Glue To Fix Nails

Can You Use Gorilla Glue To Fix Nails?

Here's the Truth You Need To Know

The Short Answer:

Using Gorilla Glue on nails is not recommended. It's not formulated for use on the body and can cause skin irritation and other health issues if ingested. There are safer, more effective alternatives available specifically designed for nail repair.

The Long Answer:

While Gorilla Glue may temporarily hold fake nails in place, it's not a suitable long-term solution. The adhesive is not designed for use on skin and can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Additionally, if the glue is ingested, it can be toxic.

If you're looking to fix broken nails or stick on fake nails, there are several safer and more effective alternatives to Gorilla Glue. These include nail glue, super glue designed for nails, and acrylic nail kits. These products are specifically formulated for use on nails and will provide a stronger, more durable bond.


While it's tempting to reach for Gorilla Glue when you need to fix your nails, it's best to avoid it. There are safer, more effective alternatives available that will give you the results you want without putting your health at risk.
